ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: June 15, 2023

By Kathryn DeVito | June 15, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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Submit Member News

By Kathryn DeVito | June 6, 2023
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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: May 31, 2023

By Kathryn DeVito | June 1, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: May 16, 2023

By Kathryn DeVito | May 16, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: April 25, 2023

By ATA | April 25, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: April 5, 2023

By Kathryn DeVito | April 5, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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Tranlating and Interpreting the Future

E84: New Virtual Conference about Interpreting and Translating the Future

By Trenton Morgan | March 31, 2023

Learn all about ATA’s one-day virtual conference “Translating and Interpreting the Future: Empowering Professionals to Innovate and Thrive” set for Saturday, May 20.

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: March 15, 2023

By ATA | March 15, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: March 1, 2023

By ATA | March 1, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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ATA Mentoring Program

E83: The ATA Mentoring Program

By ATA | March 1, 2023

How can ATA help you improve your business practices, grow your income, and market to direct clients? It’s called the ATA Mentoring Program and it’s a fantastic benefit of your ATA membership!

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ATA Newsbriefs is a twice-monthly e-newsletter

Newsbriefs: February 15, 2023

By ATA | February 15, 2023

ATA members keep current with this twice-monthly e-newsletter, providing media coverage relating to their profession from around the world.

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Profile of ATA’s 2022 School Outreach Contest Winner: Aída Carrazco

By The ATA Chronicle | February 12, 2023

When Aída Carrazco, the 2022 ATA School Outreach Contest winner, gave her presentation to her son’s fifth grade class in March 2022, kids were just going back to school after 16 months of studying from home. That meant she faced a unique challenge: students weren’t used to being in the classroom. Aída was determined to make sure she kept their attention by making her presentation extra fun!

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